Friday, August 8, 2014

Your Relationship with your child`s Pediatrician and why I`ve found that having completely different views on preferred parenting styles can be helpful.

When most people (my family and friends included) give me their opinions on what I do regarding parenting my 6 month old daughter, I get defensive and annoyed immediately when it is the opposite of my beliefs. In 2014, a lot of people don`t understand what is classified as "attachment parenting". Especially when it comes to caring for babies. Co-sleeping, breastfeeding on demand and making all of my babies food myself using organic ingredients are all things that I participate in and probably the most common things that are talked about when this parenting style is brought up. In saying this, you may wonder why I chose and stick with a pediatrician that has completely opposite ideas than I do.

When I was pregnant with Irellend, I did not stress over interviewing a bunch of doctors and finding the PERFECT one like some mothers do. Instead I waited until I was in labor to ask the hospital staff that was in and out of my room, what pediatricians they had worked with and would recommend. And with that I decided on a women who had a very positive reputation with the few people I spoke with. When she came in, to exam our new bundle of joy, she immediately complimented me as a mother for using my boppy and nursing like a pro "already". She was stylish, with a cute pixie haircut, tall (like me) and had a thick but understandable Russian accent. She was confident in handling our newborn, super positive and charismatic. Her care was top of the line and her subtle advice was super helpful and not pushy in any way.

Over the months of checkups at her colorful and stylish practice, as well as many interactions with her knowledgeable staff who share her approach to the handling of her patients and their parents.. I have come to know what to expect when I take Irellend to her well visits. I look forward to seeing how much she has grown, getting the cute little sticker with her updated measurements (that fits perfectly in her baby book) & seeing what coupons the nurse has for me. Irellend`s doctor always has such lovely praise for what I`m doing with my child when we discuss her milestones and what has changed since her prior visit.

Although she is supportive of what routes I choose to take, she always lets me know what her ideas are regarding each topic, which half of the time are the complete opposite of my own. BUT I really do appreciate all advice and the ideas she shares with me, even though I do not always agree or do exactly what she suggests. I like having a contrast of ideas with someone who looks after the health of my child. I trust her medical excellence and like the fact that she respects what ever we chose to do with our daughter. And even when it`s not what she suggests, she always gives me information and advice on my chosen methods.

Even though my little baby girl`s doctor is in favor of sleep training in her own crib and not necessarily a fan of extended breastfeeding, I still value her opinion immensely. I really enjoy having a different point of view from someone who is a professional with children, offered without the put downs and ignorant comments made by other people who may have different ideas. An opinion from someone who has watched my child grow thus far and respects me as a parent and a women, is a highly valued one.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Breastmilk and Earths Best Cereal

So my daughter Irellend has just recently become 6 months old. She has been exclusively breastfed and has been eating solids since 4 months (doctor recommended and only fruits & veggies). I make all of her food myself, using organic produce. Well, we have just added yogurt, juice and grains to her diet as well. Again with the grains, I've been making them myself using organic whole wheat rice & milling it. BUT, I bought some Earths Best organic whole grain rice cereal just to have on hand. Today I tried it. On the package it states that you can use breast milk to solute the cereal. I was instantly in love with the product. That soothes my fear, of cereal filling my babies little tummy and her missing out on all the nutrients she still needs from my breast milk. She loved it just as much because she ate the entire bowl! Definitely recommend this cereal for breastfeeding/pumping AND formula feeding moms as well because you can also use formula. PS- Happy National Breastfeeding Month everyone!